為市政設計 Design into Public


ISSUE 1.2 老+活 Live it up

映品形象 X 高雄市政府社會局


ISSUE 1.2 Live it up
INPIN DESIGN X Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government

“Gracefully surrendering the things of youth” but never trade away the fun.
“Being old” denotes value that is “amassed with time.” By expressing the confidence, experience, vitality, humor and passion as seen in being old in this design festival, the objective is to promote further cross-generation dialogues and deliver a senior life attitude as an alternative from the norm in this contemporary society that is rapidly aging. Aging is not a burden but an initiation for all kinds of life dreams to take flight. Being old is about embracing the sum of all richness, all accumulations in life, and being old will be the enviable splendor.

ISSUE 1.2.1 面對人生日常的老


ISSUE 1.2.1 To confront old age in daily life

Being old is a natural phenomenon, but in its essence, how is it defined? By exterior appearance, health or mental attitude? The exhibition will begin with the following three aspects to engage the viewers in discussion regarding old age and its definition: “100 facets of being old in everyday life,” “Examining the physical state of being old,” and “Examining the mental state of being old.”

ISSUE 1.2.2 認識人生閱歷的老


ISSUE 1.2.2About being old and being well-experienced

Being old comes with life experience accumulated through time. We will lead viewers to contemplate on the accumulation of experiential value as opposed to the passing of time, as one advances in age. Interaction will also be in place, prompting everyone to define, “What rich totality will being old amount to?” This will allow viewers to muse over and get to know “oldness” from diverse perspectives.

ISSUE 1.2.3 創造人生精彩的老



ISSUE 1.2.3 To be old and create all splendor in life

Being old is an ongoing process for splendid stories to unfold. Presented by the Kaohsiung City Government’s Social Affairs Bureau are the “Legacy Ambassadors” consisting of local seniors. In this city, there are many retired and yet still active, happy senior citizens. They share all that is fantastic in life and give back to the society on the strength of their skills, talents, knowledge and experience. Further, we call for poster designs under the title, “Initiation of creating dreams in old age: Yes I can.” Via dream proposals, viewers can experience the concept that to have a dream is not limited by age or life conditions; as long as you are willing, you can create fantastic dreams in life.

Presented at the end of the exhibition are collections of many faces and facets of vitality in Kaohsiung senior citizens, as well as dance videos that will overturn stereotypes and convey to the audience all the fervor and charm of the seniors.

單元策展單位|映品形象設計有限公司 INPIN DESIGN



INPIN DESIGN was founded in 2013 under the core concept of seeing the "truth, goodness and beauty," and connecting the "people, events and things." Our goal is to combine our design ideas and marketing integration capabilities to create problem solutions and values. We have comprehensive professional design operating service capabilities, and we can provide comprehensive and specific presentations of different feasible proposals by observing the market and social trends as well as conducting design project content analysis evaluations. We aim to explore the communication methods and significant effects of the different media environments in order to master the root causes of problems and execute accurate information delivery; continue to expand the interdisciplinary professional capabilities and technical cooperation; and to achieve reliable, effective and high quality strategic planning and implementation results for the various customer and public design projects.


設計:林杰輝、王嘉盈、郭欣翔 文案:徐琨成 剪輯:林玄御、蔡宗泓 設計助理:劉芷妤、鐘美媛

