以「Yes! We're Open! 設計開放中」為口號, 環繞高雄議題,開放市政單位、設計師、品牌及產業共同參與, 2017高雄設計節,高雄開放中!設計開放中!

The slogan, "Yes! We're Open!" puts the focus on Kaohsiung's issues. We welcome city government departments, designers, manufacturers of brand name products, and businesses to join us.

During the 2017 KDF we are opening up the city and its design to all!



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Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean, and open to the world. Kaohsiung is the largest harbor city in Taiwan, and has a lot of experience in urban design, industrial transformation design, and many other experimental designs. Kaohsiung's transportation, architecture, mass media and other venues can provide the rest of Taiwan with plenty of examples to exchange and consider.

This year, KDF has adopted an even more open-minded attitude, while also keeping a steadfast pragmatic approach. We hope to attract more showcases from overseas while inspiring more pragmatists to meld design into their everyday lives.




駁二共創基地:TALK IS OPEN開放講堂


ISSUE 1 為市政設計 Design Into Public

1.1城市的日常設計提案 Design For People

1.2老+活 Live It Up

1.3蓋一間未來的房子 Building A Future House

Future Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Light Rall Experience Service Procedure

ISSUE 2 為產業設計 Design Into Business

2.1高雄大王展 Kings of Kaohsiung

2.2企業設計展 Design into Local Enterprises

ISSUE 3 為地方設計 Design Into Local

ISSUE + 為生活設計 Design Into Life